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Pathway to Finland

Our exclusive Pathway to Bachelor's and Master's Programs guarantee you admission to Finland’s top institutes. SPI provide the commitment to securing your position 100%. To understand the process, we encourage the students to watch our this video: Click Here!

Why Pathway Program?

Pathway program is the 100% guaranteed pre-selected degree program for a student. Students need to complete 30 ECTS course via online or in-persion in Finland (Study hub in Finland) before starting his/her selected program. After completing this 30 ECTS course, students will be directly admitted to his pre-selected program without any entrance exam.

 I) No Entrance Exams Required.

II) 100% Guaranteed admission to your pre-selected degree program after completing the preparatory foundation program and acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge.

III) Great selection of destination universities and degree programs to choose from.

IV) Lower English Proficiency Test required compared to the regular Bachelor and Master's Program.

V) For Bachelor application, required HSC/Diploma GPA: 2.50 out of 5.00.

VIFor Master's application, required Bachelor CGPA: 2.00 out of 4.00.

VII) Even with IELTS score of 4.5, student can qualify for a Pathway Bachelor’s program by participating a 2-month online English Language course from Finland with SPI (€250 for Pathway students, €350 for non-Pathway students), guaranteeing admission to Karelia and Kajaani Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland.

Total Cost

I) Application Fee: 100 Euro and SPI File Opening Fee: 5000 BDT (non-refundable).

II) Pathway Program Fee: 2900-5100 Euro (Please check the above list, depends on program).

III) University Tuition Fee: 7000-13000 Euro (Depends on Subject and University).

IV) SPI Consultancy Fee: SPI regular consultancy policy (Please check from here- Click here).

Pathway Master's Program with 2-Years Job Experience

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK): The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/year

Scholarship Euro

Total Duration
Master'sGlobal Business Management

January 2026



IELTS 5.5, TOEFL IBT 46-59, Pearson PTE 42-50, Duolingo 85-90

3900 (Online)

12000 90 ECTS/2  years

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/year


Total Duration
Master'sIndustrial Management (Engineering)

January 2026



IELTS 6.0, TOEFL IBT 60-78, Pearson PTE 54, Duolingo 105-115

3900 (Online)


*Early Birds: 1000

YKI based: basic A1 1000 euro, basic A2 2000 euro, intermediate  B1 3000 euro

60 ECTS/1  year

Development and Leadership of Nursing

January 2026TBA


IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

3900 (Online)

5100 (Study hub in Finland)


*Early Birds: 1000

YKI based: basic A1 1000 euro, basic A2 2000 euro, intermediate  B1 3000 euro

90 ECTS/1.5 years

Pathway Bachelor Program

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration


Social Services

January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.5, or equivalent

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study hub in Finland)


Metropolia’s Finnish language courses:  Finnish 1 &2: 1000

Finnish 1 &2: 2000; YKI: 3000

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BachelorPhysiotherapyJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study hub in Finland)


Metropolia’s Finnish language courses:  Finnish 1 &2: 1000

Finnish 1 &2: 2000; YKI: 3000

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BachelorHealth Care, Biomedical Laboratory SciencesJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study hub in Finland)


Metropolia’s Finnish language courses:  Finnish 1 &2: 1000

Finnish 1 &2: 2000; YKI: 3000

210 ECTS/3.5 years

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarship EuroTotal Duration

January 2026



Online: August 2025

Study hub in Finland: August 2025

IELTS 5.5, TOEFL IBT 59-69, Duolingo 95-100, PTE 46

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study hub in Finland)


YKI Based: A2: 1500, B1: 3000.

Success in studies: 50% if yearly 60 ECTS with CGPA 3.5 and must be among the best fifth students.

Student Ambassador: 200-500

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BachelorPhysiotherapyJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.0, TOEFL IBT 35-45, Duolingo 75-80, PTE 46

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study hub in Finland)


YKI Based: A2: 1500, B1: 3000.

Success in studies: 50% if yearly 60 ECTS with CGPA 3.5 and must be among the best fifth students.

Student Ambassador: 200-500

210 ECTS/3.5 years

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration
BachelorNursingJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 6.0, or equivalent

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study hub in Finland)


Finnish language first test at SeAMK: 2000

Finnish language second test at SeAMK: 2500

YKI Based: B1: 3000.

210 ECTS/3.5 years

Pathway Bachelor Program: Engineering and Technology

LAB University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration

Mechanical Engineering/

sustainable construction technology/

sustainable solutions engineering

January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake 

IELTS 6.0, TOEFL IBT 80, PTE: 58

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)


Scholarship from 2nd Year: 50% (60 ECTS/Year)

240 ECTS/4 years
BachelorIndustrial Information TechnologyJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

ELTS 5.0, TOEFL IBT 35-45, Duolingo 75-80

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)


Scholarship from 2nd Year: 50% (60 ECTS/Year)

240 ECTS/4 years

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration
BachelorMechatronics (in Pori)/Mechanical EngineeringJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.5, TOEFL IBT 59-69, Duolingo 95-100, or equivalent

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)



YKI Based: A2: 1500, B1: 3000.

Success in studies: 50% if yearly 60 ECTS with CGPA 3.5 and must be among the best fifth students.

Student Ambassador: 200-500

240 ECTS/4 years
BachelorArtificial Intelligence (in Pori)January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.5, TOEFL IBT 59-69, Duolingo 95-100, or equivalent

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)

YKI Based: A2: 1500, B1: 3000.

Success in studies: 50% if yearly 60 ECTS with CGPA 3.5 and must be among the best fifth students.

Student Ambassador: 200-500

240 ECTS/4 years
BachelorEngineering in Logistics (in Rauma)January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.5, TOEFL IBT 59-69, Duolingo 95-100, or equivalent

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)

YKI Based: A2: 1500, B1: 3000.

Success in studies: 50% if yearly 60 ECTS with CGPA 3.5 and must be among the best fifth students.

Student Ambassador: 200-500

240 ECTS/4 years

Karelia University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration
BachelorIndustrial Management (in Joensuu)

January 2026



Online: August 2025

Study hub in Finland: August 2025

IELTS 5.0, PTE 41, TOEFL 41-58.

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)


2nd Year: 55 ECTS with CGPA 3/5+ Finnish A2.1 (10% of tuition fees).

3rd Year: 55 ECTS with CGPA 3/5+ Finnish A2.2 (20% of tuition fees).

4th Year: 55 ECTS with CGPA 3/5+ Finnish level YKI B1 (30% of tuition fees).

240 ECTS/4 years
BachelorInformation and Communication TechnologyJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.0 or equivalent

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)

10000From 2nd year if 55 ECTS completed yearly and based on the level of Finnish Language Proficiency Scholarship

240 ECTS/4 years

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration

Information Technology/

Construction Information Technology

January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

 IELTS 5.5, or equivalent

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)


Metropolia’s Finnish language courses:  Finnish 1 &2: 1000

Finnish 1 &2: 2000; YKI: 3000

240 ECTS/4 years


Automotive Electrics/

Smart Automation/

Mechanical Engineering

January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)


Metropolia’s Finnish language courses:  Finnish 1 &2: 1000

Finnish 1 &2: 2000; YKI: 3000

240 ECTS/4 years
BachelorLaboratory SciencesJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.5, or equivalent

2900 (Online)

4100 (Study hub in Finland)


Metropolia’s Finnish language courses:  Finnish 1 &2: 1000

Finnish 1 &2: 2000; YKI: 3000

210 ECTS/3.5 years

Pathway Bachelor Program: Business Background

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK): The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarship in EuroTotal Duration
BachelorInternational Business January 2026



Online: August 2025

Study hub in Finland: August 2025

IELTS 5.0, TOEFL IBT 35-45, Duolingo 75-80, PTE 41.

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


YKI Basic: 500

YKI Intermediate: 1000

YKI Advance: 1500

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BacheloreSports BusinessJanuary 2026



Online: August 2025

Study hub in Finland: August 2025

IELTS 5.0, TOEFL IBT 35-45, Duolingo 75-80, PTE 41.

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


YKI Basic: 500

YKI Intermediate: 1000

YKI Advance: 1500

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BachelorSports  Coaching and Business ManagementJanuary 2026



Online: August 2025

Study hub in Finland: August 2025

IELTS 5.0, TOEFL IBT 35-45, Duolingo 75-80, PTE 41.

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


YKI Basic: 500

YKI Intermediate: 1000

YKI Advance: 1500

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BachelorHospitality Management in TourismJanuary 2026



Online: August 2025

Study hub in Finland: August 2025

IELTS 5.0, TOEFL IBT 35-45, Duolingo 75-80, PTE 41.

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


YKI Basic: 500

YKI Intermediate: 1000

YKI Advance: 1500

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BachelorBusiness Information Technology, Game DevelopmentJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.0, TOEFL IBT 35-45, Duolingo 75-80, PTE 41.

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


YKI Basic: 500

YKI Intermediate: 1000

YKI Advance: 1500

210 ECTS/3.5 years

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration
BachelorInternational Business and LogisticsJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

 IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


Metropolia’s Finnish language courses:  Finnish 1 &2: 1000

Finnish 1 &2: 2000; YKI: 3000

210 ECTS/3.5 years
Bachelor European Business AdministrationJanuary 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

 IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


Metropolia’s Finnish language courses:  Finnish 1 &2: 1000

Finnish 1 &2: 2000; YKI: 3000

210 ECTS/3.5 years

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration
BachelorInternational Business (in Rauma)

January 2026



Online: August 2025

Study hub in Finland: August 2025

IELTS 5.5, TOEFL IBT 59-69, PTE 46.

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


YKI Based: A2: 1500, B1: 3000.

Success in studies: 50% if yearly 60 ECTS with CGPA 3.5 and must be among the best fifth students compared to other students.

Student Ambassador: 200-500

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BachelorInternational Tourism Management (in Pori)January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.5, TOEFL IBT 59-69, 

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)

YKI Based: A2: 1500, B1: 3000.

Success in studies: 50% if yearly 60 ECTS with CGPA 3.5 and must be among the best fifth students compared to other students.

Student Ambassador: 200-500

210 ECTS/3.5 years

LAB University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English

Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration
BachelorBusiness Information Technology  in Lahti)January 2026



Online: August 2025

Study hub in Finland: August 2025

IELTS 6.0, TOEFL IBT 80, PTE: 58

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


Scholarship from 2nd Year: 50% (60 ECTS/Year)

210 ECTS/3.5 years
BachelorTourism and Hospitality Management (in Lappeenranta)January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 6.0, TOEFL IBT 80, PTE: 58

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


Scholarship from 2nd Year: 50% (60 ECTS/Year)

210 ECTS/3.5 years

BachelorInternational Business ( in Lahti, Lappeenranta)

January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 6.0, TOEFL IBT 80, PTE: 58

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)


Scholarship from 2nd Year: 50% (60 ECTS/Year)

210 ECTS/3.5 years

Karelia University of Applied Sciences: The language of instruction is English
Degree TypeSubjectIntakesApplication DeadlinePathway ClassLanguage testPathway Course FeeTuition Fees/yearScholarshipTotal Duration
BachelorInternational Business  (in Joensuu)

January 2026

Not Available for January Intake

Not Available for January Intake

IELTS 5.0 or equivalent

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course

3200 (Online)

4400 (Study-hub)

Two times during their studies (second year onwards) based on Finnish language and 55 ECTS credits per academic year.
210 ECTS/3.5 years

**IELTS 4.5+SPI English Course: Students with an IELTS score of 4.5 can qualify for a Pathway Bachelor’s program by participating a 2-month online English Language course from Finland with SPI (€250 for Pathway students, €350 for non-Pathway students), guaranteeing admission to Karelia and Kajaani Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland.

Bachelor Degree in Finland with IELTS 4.5 score

Students holding a valid IELTS score of 4.5 can qualify for a Pathway Bachelor’s degree program by participating a focused 2-month online English Language course from Finland with SPI. This course, tailored to enhance English proficiency, bridges the gap for university entry requirements. For Pathway students, the course fee is €250, while non-Pathway students pay €350. Upon successful completion, students are guaranteed admission to two top universities- Karelia University of Applied Sciences, and Kajaani University of Applied Sciences  in Finland, ensuring a smooth transition to higher education and opening doors to global academic opportunities.

Application Deadlines

March Intake: March 14, 2025
June Intake: May 26, 2025

Intakes & Semester Dates

March 24, 2025 - May 16, 2025
June 2, 2025 - July 26, 2025

***The English certificates must be valid when submitting the application. The equivalent score are shown below:

Test Name ScoreScoreScoreScore
TOEFL IBT24-4041-5859-6970-86